Sunday, September 24, 2006

imma quiz-freak lah okay

1) Who is the last person you high-fived?
umm..never leh.

2) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
HAHAHAHAHA. i dont know how to shoot or use a rifle so i guess its a no.

3) Do you sleep with the tv on?

4) Have you ever drank milk straight out of the
ALWAYS. lazy to pour into a cup mah. but im like the only one who drinks the milk so its okay.

5) Have you ever won a spelling bee?
never join before. singapore got no time to organise such stuff. the MOE is only concerned about your A1s.

6) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
nope. dont wish to.

7) How fast can you type?
OKAY lah. average speed lor. i can type without looking at the keyboard!! heh heh.

8) Are you afraid of the dark?
sometimes. im quite afraid of my own kitchen.

9) Eye color?
black brown sort of.

10) Do you knock on wood?

11) Are you drinking anything right now?

12) Can you jump rope?
nope. uhh you mean bungee? haha i dont know.

13) Are you good at keeping secrets?
I GUESS SO! haha. i got short-term & thats quite an advantage.

14) What do you want for Christmas?
alot okay. ii habb al0rtt 0bb wantxx derHxX.

15) Do you know the Muffin Man?
DUH. hello he's like my brother. sometimes when i get hungry i jus munch on him. he will go "OOI!!! NOT AGAIN!!" but i will just smile & shrug my shoulders. to add flavor, i pour melted chocolate on him. it burns but i dont really care haha.

17) Who is your best friend?
hahah! uhh its hard to define Best but i have alot of Good friends :D

18) Have you ever flown a kite?
YESSS DUHHH!!! flying kite is one of the fun-nest things ever.

19) Do you consider yourself successful?

20) How many people are on your contact list of
your cell?
100plus i guess. handphone not with me now.

21) Have you ever asked for a pony?
i like ponies but nope.

22) Plans for tomorrow?
school lor. what else. im just another student-robot MOE creates.

23) Can you juggle?

24) Missing someone now?

25) How often do you drink alcohol?
i dont drink. i drink the...the....Jolly Shandy i get headache already.

26) How do you feel today?
like that lor. the student-robot feeling.

27) Have you ever been suspended or expelled
from school?
nope. im a good student-robot.

28) What are you looking forward to?
Christmas (hear that MOE??????)

29) Have you ever crawled through a window?
nope. im afraid of heights btw.

30) Have you ever eaten dog food?
nope. why eat dog food when you have plenty of human food lame.

31) Can you handle the truth?
depends. sometimes derhx TrUthx hUrtsx l0rh!

32) Do you like green eggs and ham?
HEYY! THATS DOCTOR SUESS! HAHAHA. I AM SAM IS <33333 love the movie.

33) What 3 things can always be found in your
brown rice soya milk (my mother buys weird stuff), eggs & marmalade.

34) Are you feeling good today?

35) How many kids do you plan on having?

36) Have you ever been in love?
in love with dogs, otters (YES I LIKE OTTERS HAHAHAH), baby seals & my n73

37) Do you talk to yourself?
HAHAHAH. yah. sometimes only lah. when i am studying i will say out loud the formulas etc.

38) Do you like dancing?
uhh...HAHA nope.

39) Three of your favorite foods:
tako pachi, lasagne & sasuage mcmuffin with egg.

40) Who are you thinking about right now?:
mrs tay. im not gay or what but i dont know why okay.

41) Who did you last talk to on the phone?
AUNTIE LILLY. she called for my mother. she calls everyday. tsk.

42) Where is your phone?
on my bed. the blue light always blinks.

43) What was the last thing you ate?
xiao wan mian. nice okay.

44) What are your favorite colors?
black, brown, light grey & yellow, red, blue, green.

45) What is the last movie watched?:

46) What song are you currently listening to?:
Moondance - Michael Buble

47) Are you currently suffering from a broken heart?
nope. but my emath crushed me.

48) Would you ever leave the one you love for the
one you like?
huh? whats the diff? love & like? LAME.

49) What are you going to do now?


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