Thursday, January 12, 2006

fine day

today was a raining day.
everyday is basically a rainy day lah.

i have very bad memory thus i can only remember things that stand out from other things that happen during the day.

so anyway, we had physics practical & it was alright lah. i think mrs lin was the in-charge & mr. chan was helping out...or something like that. -_-

we had to carry out this stupid experiment where we have to use rubber bands to tie the golden round things called "mass" or something like that to a ruler & using a cock with a needle sticking out so as to put the hole at the far end of the ruler through it & using a retort stand, we had to clamp the cock to it & TA-DAHH a mini pendulum was created!

*everyone claps & some do wolf-whistles*

after the pendulum is done, we had to take down timings for 20 complete swings. oh! thats so exciting can. i had difficulty setting up the pendulum lah. & the ruler with the mass would often fall with a loud sound. damn it was very irritating lah. qianwei & me kept talking. & mr. chan had to like shut us up or something like that.

back to the 20 complete swings...
so, we had to draw out a table with 3 different readings.
one was the measurement from the mass to the end of the ruler, one was the timings for 20 complete swings & lastly timing for 1 swing. comes the exciting part!

we had to use a digital stopwatch to measure the 20 swings!! oh-mua-gozilla!! that is so fun can! seeing the ruler swing from right to left, left to right, for 20 times is sucha an amusing thing to watch.
i almost screamed in excitment when the thing acutally swung slower!!

(kaye obviously i was being sarcastic)

so anyway, i took down timings. the first 3 0r 4 timings were acutally the same! argh. they werent supposed to be similar so i cheated abit lah. but hey none of the teachers knew. then....
it was graph-drawing time!! gozilla-ness!! that was the highlight of the whole experiment!! drawing x & y axis was my fave. putting down my ruler onto the paper, putting my mechanical pencil against it & drawing the wonderfully & amazingly straight line was a huge sense of satisfaction for me!!
after that, we had to write down the units & numbers. but that wasnt fun. :( no it aint! the part where i had to put crosses was the next best thing. that was superb!! woot.
then, came the final part - the drawing of the curve! wow. i didnt bring a curve ruler.
mr chan was infront standing so i raised my hand & asked " curve ah?"

mr chan jus stood there & laughed.
what a cool response to my question!
so anyway, i drew the curve & mrs lin said it wasnt correct or something like that cos i would be deducted marks for drawing such a small scale.
so i had to erase my beautifully drawn X-axis! :( man i was very disappointed.

err..i think this entry is getting way out of hand.
i shall stop this abruptly.


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