Saturday, July 01, 2006


okay i forgot to post something rather major (to me) yesterday.
during chem practical mr tan re-arranged the sitting positions & i sat with moorthy.
mr tan called me a "health hazard" & did not allow me to sit alone. LAME LOR!
anyway, we did the experiment & all. then something happened.
i had to wash one of the test-tubes & at that point of time moorthy was chidng me for screwing up some exeperiment so i said "shut up!" & i used the test-tube to point at him.
the liquid in the test-tube came splattering everywhere.
i thought i was water but i had some of it in my mouth & it tasted funny. it was then when i realised it was ACID!!!!!!! ARGH! i quickly spit the content out & washed my mouth with water. oh shizzle. how nice! ACID IN MY MOUTH! it tasted kind of sour, bitter. like vinegar i think. wait, does acid taste sour or alkali? WHICHEVER LAH!
i had acid in my mouth & hair while moorthy got some in his hair & the ear! after that he kept saying he felt a burning feeling in his ear. -_-
i want to apologise to celestine too! she had some acid in her hair i think.
to makes matters worse, the acid that was spilled was actually the solution needed for later experiments. HAHA. luckily we had some more left.
anyway, the rest of the experiment didnt go too well because our solution did not turn light blue like the rest & no nitrogen gas was produced. HAHAHAHA.

after chem prac, mr tan asked me whether i cooked at home. of course i dont lah. but i know how to boil eggs & cook maggi mee !!


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